Survive Long Flights with These Hacks

Long-haul flights can often be described as a kind of torture or as an endurance test. Getting into a confined cabin for an extended period, with lots of strangers, noisy constant engine sounds – what is there not to dislike about flying? It is not quite as horrible as it sounds, and some even enjoy such trips for fun, others travel for a good cause. To ease such massive airborne marathons calls for a few practical as well as psychological techniques. You’ll also be able to read.

But worry not! With some foresight and creativity, you can change the situation from a terrible one to a rather bearable one, and even a pleasurable one. What follows are a few recommendations that are practical and which I think will help one cope well during the times when they have to spend those countless hours in the air. You are ready to turn long-haul flights into interminable fun instead of interminable suffering.

Preparing for the Flight: What to Bring, How to Pack

Smart packing can make the experience of long engagements less infuriating. To begin with, it is advisable to select the correct type of carry-on bag. It must be lightweight and versatile but large enough. Make sure you take travel washroom facilities to help yourself during the trip. Packing such items as a toothbrush, toothpaste, and face towel gets the mouth refreshed very quickly even without a full meal.

Take your neck pillow with you as the comfort count is high in one’s travel. Also, you could take along lightweight shawls or blankets to keep you warm and fashionable as well. Even your entertaining gadgets should be covered. Ask your relatives or download in advance podcasts, books, or any other entertainment needed for the trip; an airport is hardly the place for playing on the internet.

During the Flight: Tips to Stay Comfortable and Entertained

The very first and foremost thing when you are in the air is comfort. First thing first, unfasten the seat harness and if it is possible go back in your chair a bit. Neck support can be very useful and a travel neck pillow is a perfect solution. Some warm-up clothes, a blanket, or a shawl are a must to avoid air in the cabin making you feel cold. Almost all long flights and long aircraft info board systems provide entertainment. Taking off, tilt your chair backward and take out all additional heavy load from your pockets. Be additional to the effort of downloading as well such additional materials as offline games. They are a very good help in understanding exciting times in short atmospheric situations.

Staying still is the worst thing when flying for so many hours such as long-haul flights. Every couple of hours, get off the seat get from the back, and walk around whenever you are allowed. However, simple stretches such as seated leg stretching can help in relieving this condition. If you’re an avid reader, take the book that you keep planning to read later, with you. Beautifully told stories are a great way of keeping oneself busy when flying miles above Earth.

Meals and Beverages on Very Long Flights

It is always tough to keep your stomach happy throughout the long airlines. Airlines do not usually impress their customers with their crappy food. It is a good idea to bring your food for the flight. Some ideas include protein bars, nuts, and dehydrated fruits as quick sources of energy. Don’t forget about the importance of fluid intake. That is because the dry air from the plane’s cabin can humidify your body quite fast. Bring a refillable beverage container with you, and after passing security, fill it. Try drinking 8 ounces every hour at a minimum.

Avoid salty foods whilst flying as they worsen the chances of hydration. Instead, reach for fruits and vegetables that are naturally wet. If you are fortunate to get meal service, do not be embarrassed to order special meals in advance where you have such restrictions. This way you make sure at least something you could call food is served on your tray. Do not forget that sufficing the appetite and drinking water will erase a strong feeling of tiredness and make the trip much more pleasant as well.

Resolving Jet Lag

Yes, jet lag is one of those things that one will hope to never go through the experience of once coming from a long-haul flight. It affects the normal routine as it messes up sleep, making one more detestable than useful. For a consistent jet lag, shifting the internal clock days before the actual day is very important. Adjusting it a little over an hour, and turning off the artificial light will do while still retaining lag. Get ample fluids on board but avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol, they only add to the problem of fatigue on a long flight.

Once the plane has landed, you should take a few minutes to go outside to seek exposure to daylight to help you combat the effects of jet lag. Exposure to light is highly effective in assisting with sleep regulation. If you arrive in a new place and start feeling extremely tired, consider taking a short nap instead of a longer one. This tactic helps you to rest without disturbing your adjusted timetable. And, do not panic if the jet lag doesn’t go away in a day; habits take time to form. And as much as healthy eating is very important, trust your body to lead you to the fun.

Final Tips and Tricks

Getting up in the air for so many hours can be frustrating, so you can add compression socks to your winter clothing. They support your blood circulation and decrease leg swelling. Don’t forget to take the right neck support including the right neck pillow. It could mean the difference between two hours of discomfort and a few hours of sleep.

Make sure you have a playlist or some audiobooks ready even before you step into the aircraft. Music or a well-written story will take your mind off the small space and busy cabin. If you can avoid using noise-canceling headphones please do so. It helps you relax since engine sounds are reduced. Bring along some light snacks. A little packed nuts granola bars or other snacks can help to organize mini-meals that reduce your dependency on airplane meals.


Long-haul flights can be quite tedious, but with the right tactics, such flights become bearable. Every plane journey is an invitation to conquer the next level of comfort. Accept moving around in this travel routine because of these hacks on your next trip. After all, there is always a proper exercise such as seat selection or putting the right things in a suitcase.

By staying busy and sipping on liquids more runs of tiredness you will find the time draughts faster than you had planned. Remember even before you reach your travel destination to adjust your sleep pattern so that you can smoothly transition into a new time zone where need be. A little preparation in advance makes it easier to avoid discomfort and more possible to enjoy.

It can be possible to treat traveling as ongoing torture including hours of sitting still. There are a few things that would need to be changed to make flying something comfortable, and quite frankly, enjoyable. The journey is as much a delight as the reach itself, so savor every mile that you take.


1. What should I wear on a long flight?

Comfort is important. Prefer to wear light clothing that’s not tight fitting, and is made of airy materials. If you are wearing several layers for better circulation around your body, then the changes in the temperature of the cabin won’t affect you as much.

2. How can I prevent sickness on the plane?

Clean your hands often and use hand hygiene products for example sanitisers to prevent illness. Wearing a disposable mask might help you during your journey.

3. Is it acceptable to consume alcohol on a long-haul flight?

A drink indeed helps to calm your nerves, but you shouldn’t go overboard. That is to say, it is always best to drink less than usual because any alcohol will contribute to the level of dehydration in the body and will reduce the quality of sleep, and using a fatty straw helps sweeten the deal.

4. Should I consider taking sleep medication?

Some people use sleeping pills like melatonin or other sleeping aids and some of them find them effective but one should seek a specialist’s advice first. You should understand how the treatment prescribed will be affected due to the possible presence or use of these drugs.

5. What are the effective ways to pace the turbulence of the trip?

Make sure you have enough movies or songs downloaded, or something to listen to as well as read. Knee coolers are ideal for carrying those books that would be too heavy; e puzzles or games on mobile will also relieve you from the monotony.

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